Miyerkules, Enero 4, 2012


Now I know how that feels. It's not one SINGLE overpowering emotion but ALL KINDS of intense emotions coming to you all at once. AND NO, this isn’t a talk of love nor heart break NOR finding crushes; a phobia nor some sort of mental illness that needs help. I do need help on this matter though because I feel like the dumbest person alive whenever I’m in there which would be Monday-Wednesday-Friday, every week, 3 hours a day.

The source is my Physics Class. The class I never grew weary off unless I’m really tired(I actually am most of the time since I usually sleep for only 3 hours). Honestly, if you’ll rate my interest on this class it would be 10/10 out of all my class with regards to humor (although he goes too offensive most of the time). It is so entertaining that I couldn’t even sleep at it. There are also concrete reasons for me not to sleep a wink in it too, such as: Getting caught since I’m sitting in front where he can perfectly see me and getting a red mark for it. Red mark is our ticket to success *SARCASM*.

I’m totally bugged out about our class today, January 4, 2011. I’m actually perceiving the bad aura came from our equally bad grades(What else can it be?) when I saw our professor twice and he didn’t even tried to look our way when we greeted him even he actually greeted back. I was already fidgety in thought of attending his class since it’s next to our Literature class (trust me even it’s an hour class it felt like seconds, for me). I’m a little relieved I had a good laugh before Physics class because I really thought I’d break right there. Especially when his class finally started, I already feel very uncomfortable and he just sat in front of us like the usual. The quietness of our lively class didn’t help in the situation too. The sensations immensely escalated when he started taking attendance that didn’t take that long since he started talking about the real matter. DANG! in the back of my mind I imagine myself running towards the professor's table and crying, pleading him to forgive me because I feel GUILTY of being incompetent and all that. It was like my dad getting angry for real and I know I’m at fault and I really feel terrible. I never wished to be good in class except this one! Seriously, if there’s some sort of magic to suddenly turn into a Physics geek I would’ve done it. I have never felt this kind of burden on a subject that didn’t projected solely on getting grades but actually learning it. When I was in primary and high school I mostly blame it on the teachers’ way of teaching and not myself. This very day, I realize I couldn’t pretend to blame it on the professor at all. It was all on me even he directed it generally to everyone who have terrible grades in his class as well. When he speaks, beside his insults that really goes overboard, I feel like I have no right to meddle at all since I think the only people that could really take offense on the matter are those who got really high marks on his exams and are still listening to him. 

It was really nerve-wracking, heart-wrenching feeling. I kinda felt a little fine when I find out I wasn’t the weakest link (my grades are still bad) and we didn’t get minus five at all on his activities. Next week though, there will be another bargain to our life that would be another weight on my back and the others who knew they aren’t improving that much as well. I just hope my friend will forgive me on the outcome because, I don’t even know what, were and how am I suppose to take the guilt of being a dumb dumb on Physics. I really wish there is a miracle that my mind would function on that day! I really don’t want to hurt nor make a friend disappointed at me because her grade failed just because I did. I seriously have enough of the guilt(and I’m already being redundant with that forsaken word).

Well that sums up my intense and bad emotions really but just so you know, it wasn’t all that Bad. Plus it was the last subject so, I’ll flash back a little.

Earlier, the good feelings came from my friends that I’ve finally seen today after two weeks of being apart and not texting them at all. I really missed them so much I feel like I’m gonna burst and my mouth will crack from smiling. It’s really nice to see them again!!!!

“YEH GUYS IF YOU READ THIS I’VE REALLY MISSED YOU. MWAH MWAH MWAH. It’s just too awkward to express and to proclaim…” -theBlankInk

After chemistry(my first class), all the laughs and epic conversations had begun  like eruption of candies and all the things a like in the world and it made me so happy (OH SO HAPPY).

The lunch at McDonalds was very fun. From the quietness of eating our lunch up to our usually divided conversations, we were united by our friend’s Coke Float and Cell phone, and a Straw. I wish there was a video because I’m lame at typing in stories. The puns won’t be as hilarious as it should be and I’m quite scattered brain when it comes to discussing stuffs (Even creating this blog, you might have lost your way in finding out the purpose which I actually am confused myself and I’m the one writing) so might as well skip that. It was really fun though!!! We even have our conversations though that I must say are slightly rated that kids below 18 shouldn’t bother knowing like (but generations these days aren’t as pure as innocent as before) dirty jokes and all that with regards to different awkward scenarios that not even one of us had experienced(who-knows though, maybe someone’s hiding something from the past –xoxo gossip girl. Hahaha KIDDING!!). The epic conversation’s title is “Poker Face, Mr. J” (Mr. J is a person in class that did not need to be mentioned in the future of my blogs but today he was the highlight of our great laughs and perverted minds. Do not get me wrong though, we don’t have desires with this guy at all(sorry LOL) and it’s more of something/someone to laugh about(?) HAHA. And like I said earlier I’m not a good narrator or a writer to foretell the conversations but it was HELLA FUNNY. Good thing our friend that’s connected to Mr. J at some point(It’s the typical he likes her and all that, get the picture?) was cool with it and actually found it funny too. She even looked like she’s gonna hyperventilate at any moment.

It was really an awesome day and it just turned messy when it was Physics (And for the nth time I do not blame our professor at all) and the bus ride where I met my previous suitor’s older brother and bumped on my godmother’s son whom my mother wants me to meet. HAHA I’m lucky aren’t I?

And that’s how I died. (kidding, DUH)


Yeh most of this is in no way of writing blogs and it’s a confusing piece of crap so do not waste time in trying to understand. If you read this, you have one hell of a time to waste :D

Note: I’m actually endorsing my blog. Negatively.