Biyernes, Nobyembre 4, 2011



Hey! Meet our newest family member, Bambi. She's a month old puppy that was given to us by our neighbor and she's the cutest thing!! Well I miss having a puppy because my real dog is already a DOG and her puppy was taken away already to guard my father's friend's farm and right now they are also a DOG. So I missed having a puppy but she isn't exactly mine. Bambi's actually given to my six year old cousin, CJ and since
we're still living on the same roof together with my other cousin I have been petting her too. She's really quiet though at night that's when she starts to bark a lot, like a typical puppy when you leave it behind. She never nibbles on things though for a puppy. She's so gentle that you can only see her get excited with stuffs but she never tries to nibble on it thoroughly like how a normal puppy would. Bambi likes staying at a corner or her rug though or waiting for the Kitchen door to open. Plus with those pic I have posted here, She's a natural model HAHAHA

credits to: Paula for the photographs. Taken with her iPhone. 

XD But of course I won't leave my real dog unknown. Her name's Gabriel, a.k.a Gabey or Gabe. We had her for a couple of years and when we move, she's going to come with us. OF COURSE! Here's my real baby which isn't a baby anymore lol

edited this one, just to let people know that I fail in OTL in re-editing thoroughly and my grammar sucks at times 

Super Lovers (warning boy x boy)


Author: Miyuki Abe
Genre: Drama, Romance, Shounen Ai
Description: Haru meets Ren, a boy newly adopted by his mother. Getting along with Ren isn't easy as Haru's goal is to "civilize" him by the time summer ends. Their relationship slowly improves as Haru spends more time with him. Can they really become a "family"?
Status: Ongoing

The latest in (click to read, if you're interested) is up to Volume 4 (172 pages). If you're into reading this kind of stuffs, I personally recommend it. Although it's a pain for me to wait for more chapters to come, especially in the site I've read it in. I must say it's one of the best I've read so far. 

As much as it sort of a mix of things I don't usually enjoy seeing like incest, shotas and more other stuffs. I think it didn't go beyond that because they aren't actually blood related and eventually Ren grew (although Haru is still way older than him). So it just gives me thrill instead of getting grossed out in breaking my limits and totally lost of realism. 

The way the characters are depicted and how their back story works, fear and insecurities had been explained quite well. Like they just didn't end up that way because it's boy love story how else will it end? Which is the exact same feeling when I read some other recommended mangas in this particular type of manga not all people reads the same way as I do.  I'm still new to this kind of love stories and I'm not into reading it merely because two hot men are kissing and making out. No it's just part of that(haha). I want a good great plot or at least constant progress of the beginning and ending. 

It's one of the reason I prefer reading one shots because not all mangas stays as good at it was from the beginning up to its ending or vice versa.   Its either the beginning is damn boring, too gloomy, or simply doesn't make sense at all that I'm in the verge on giving up on it, but the ending is actually good OR in more cases the beginning was so damn good and the ending is like WTF that's it? or What the hell did just happen? 

But really this manga is worth the shot (although it's too early for me to say it yet) but so far it's extremely good. Plus I love Raccoon <--- the pet dog